Help with Funeral Costs
The costs of a funeral are defined as a debt against the estate so you may be able to arrange for the funeral to be paid by the estate rather than paying this amount yourself.
If you think you may have trouble meeting funeral costs, please discuss this with us at the time of arrangement.
You may be able to apply for a Social Fund Funeral Payment to help with funeral costs and we have information on who may be eligible and how to make a claim.
Payment can only be authorised by the Department of Work and Pensions. Please remember that you are personally liable for any amount in excess of the agreed payment by the Department of Social Security (DWP), or indeed the whole invoice amount if a payment is not received.
If you do not qualify for a payment we may still be able to advise you on other forms of assistance.
Funeral Payments - DSS Ruling
What are they?
A Funeral Payment is a one-off payment. You have to pay a Funeral Payment back using the proceeds of the estate of the person who has died (if they have left one).
Are they for me?
You may get a payment to meet some or all of the funeral expenses of a partner, child, close relative or friend if you or your partner has to arrange a funeral and get:
- Income Support
- Income-based Job seeker's Allowance
- Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the family element
- extra Working Tax Credit relating to a disability
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Benefit, or
- Pension Credit.
You must claim a Funeral Payment at any time from the date the person died up to 3 months after the funeral.
What are the benefit rates?
Social Fund Funeral Payment covers the necessary cost of specified items or services plus up to £700 for other funeral expenses.
How and when do I claim?
If you think you may be eligible for a Funeral Payment and would like to make a claim, you should complete claim pack SF200 (Funeral).
For more information please visit:
To get a claim pack, contact Jobcentre Plus or, you can download a copy here: SF200 Form.pdf
You should return your completed claim pack to Jobcentre Plus.
Planning ahead - Securing future costs
Instead of paying for the funeral from your estate, or leave the cost to a family member, some people prefer to plan ahead and pay for the funeral in advance.
For more details on the advantages of a Funeral Plan please refer to: