The information on the H L Hawes & Son Funeral Directors website is intended to be useful not only for our clients' but for those seeking information about funeral related products and services.
H L Hawes & Son Funeral Directors will take every measure to ensure that the information is correct at the time it is added to the website.
However, please note that H L Hawes & Son Funeral Directors cannot guarantee the information is accurate and shall not be liable for any damage or losses that anyone may suffer as a result of relying on this information.
H L Hawes & Son Funeral Directors may change the information on the website at any time and assumes no responsibility for the contents of any other websites to which H L Hawes & Son Funeral Directors website has links.
The copyright of the website belongs to H L Hawes & Son Funeral Directors.
All other academic property rights are reserved.
For more information about our website, please contact Mr Karl Partridge Dip FD, MBIE on 020 8550 4047.