Complaint Procedure
Our commitment to clients
We aim to ensure that:
* Making a complaint is as easy as possible and we treat your complaint seriously
* We deal with your complaint promptly and in confidence
* We learn from complaints and use them to review and improve our service.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is when you tell us you are not happy about any part of the service and/or the products we provide.
How to make a complaint
To download a copy of our A5 Complaint Procedure leaflet, please click on the link below:
A5 Complaints Procedure - Revised Jan 2015.pdf
If you wish to make a complaint you can contact our General Manager, Mr. Karl Partridge, in any of the ways listed below:
By email - karl@hlhawes.co.uk
In writing to -
H L Hawes & Son Ltd
Funeral Directors
106 Tanners Lane
Barkingside, Ilford
Essex IG6 1QE
By phone - Tel: 020 8550 4047
By fax - Tel: 020 8551 8339
In person (by appointment only) at -
H L Hawes & Son Ltd
Funeral Directors
106 Tanners Lane
Essex IG6 1QE
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 days and fully investigated within 5 days.
If you are unhappy with the response you can contact the Managing Director, Mr Alun Tucker, in any of the ways listed below:
By email - alun@hlhawes.co.uk
In writing to -
H L Hawes & Son Ltd
Funeral Directors
106 Tanners Lane
Barkingside, Ilford
Essex IG6 1QE
By phone - Tel: 020 8550 4047
By fax - Tel: 020 8551 7836
In person (by appointment only) at -
H L Hawes & Son Ltd
Funeral Directors
106 Tanners Lane
Barkingside, Ilford
Essex IG6 1QE
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 days and fully investigated within 5 days.
If You are Still Unhappy
If you are still unhappy with our response you can contact The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) in any of the ways listed below, quoting membership number 655:
By email - info@saif.org.uk
In writing to -
The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors
SAIF Business Centre
3 Bullfields
Herts CM21 9DB
By phone - Tel: 0845 230 6777 or 01279 726 777
By fax - Tel: 01279 726 300
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 7 days then fully investigated. Timescale for findings and final response will vary depending on each individual case and investigation.
Please note that The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) will not investigate a complaint unless the internal complaints procedure of the Funeral Directors has been exhausted.
If you are Still Unhappy
If you are still unhappy with the response and final decision of The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) you can request that your complaint be referred to The Independent Funeral Directors Arbitration Scheme. For more information and to download leaflet of the scheme please visit - http://www.saif.org.uk/
The Independent Funeral Arbitration Scheme - 'You’re right to put it right' leaflet can be obtained, upon request, from any of our offices. The leaflet covers;
* What happens if I'm dissatisfied?
* What's the first thing I should do?
* How do I pursue a Complaint?
* Stage One: Resolution with the Funeral Director
* Stage Two: Conciliation
* Stage Three: Arbitration
H L Hawes & Son Ltd Funeral Directors SAIF Membership No is 655.
The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors can be contacted on 0845 230 6777.
The Independent Funeral Arbitration Scheme can be contacted on 01279 726777.
For more information and assistance please contact:
Mr Karl Partridge Dip FD, MBIE
General Manager
H L Hawes & Son Ltd
Funeral Directors
106 Tanners Lane
Barkingside, Ilford
Essex IG6 1QE
Telephone: 020 8550 4047
Fax: 020 8551 8339
E-mail: karl@hlhawes.co.uk
Website - http://www.hlhawes.co.uk