After the Funeral
After the funeral there are a number of practical issues that need to be addressed depending on the personal circumstances of the deceased. Below is a checklist of things that may require your attention:
Notification of death
- Solicitor
- Employer of the deceased, if appropriate
- HM Revenue & Customs - Tax
- Social Services - cancellation of services
- GP/Dentist/Hospital - cancellation of appointments and return of any equipment
- The Identity and Passport Service - passport
- Pension provider
- DVLA - driving licence(s)
- Voluntary services - meals on wheels, etc.
- Mortgage provider
- Council house tenancy/rent
- Private landlord
- Council tax
- Electricity provider
- Gas provider
- Water provider
- Telephone provider
- Broadband provider
- TV licence
- Home and contents insurance provider
- Return of any rented household appliances
- Post Office - redirect mail.
- Car insurance provider
- Finance provider for any outstanding payments and closing of account(s).
Personal finance
- Bank account(s)
- Building Society account(s)
- Post Office account
- Credit card(s)
- Store card(s)
- Premium bonds
- Hire purchase or rental agreements
- Personal loan provider
- Life insurance provider.
Social membership and social networking cancellation
- Library membership and return of books, etc.
- Newspaper or magazine subscriptions or delivery
- Club memberships - golf, bowls, etc.
- Professional memberships
- Social networking sites - facebook, tweeter, etc.
Changes in circumstances
If the financial circumstances of remaining family members or civil partners have now changed, then various benefits or tax rebates may be available.
Your local Department of Social Security, Department for Work and Pensions or Citizens Advice Bureau - http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk will be able to help.
If there are children in the family that were close to the deceased, you may wish to inform their school.
Contact us
For more information and guidance please do not hesitate to contact us.